6 Month Mark
Well as of today it has been 6 months since the arrival of our bundles of joy. Our days are busy but consistent with feeding, playing and sleeping pretty much in that order. They are starting to recognize each other, and are becoming very interested in what the other is doing. Grace is still the nosey parker watching everything and everyone. Avery, first deemed the 'quiet one' has suddenly found her voice. And my what ear-piercing voice it is. She is still the happy-go-lucky girl, but just louder now. And Everett, still the sad little soul,but we have more laughs than cries now. They are growing like crazy weighing in at about 15 lbs respectively. We are eating cereal twice a day, and looking forward to starting our veggies in about 1 month. They change almost weekly now, and are barely recognizable from the babies of the NICU.