A chronology of the life changing event of having triplets.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Toronto Trip - June 2008

We have recently returned from a 4 day whirlwind southern Ontario tour. Highlights of our tour included Canada's Wonderland, a visit with GiGi, and a day at Nadine's farm.
Canada's Wonderland was going well until everyone had a meltdown on the Scoobydooville Carousel. It was then time to leave.

Our visit with GiGi was nice and nobody really made strange. While Grace was bringing GiGi flowers, Everett was offering her clumps of mulch and Avery was peeping in all the windows. Grace was the most receptive (surprisingly) to GiGi, going so far as to hold her hand while leaving the courtyard.

We ended up staying an extra day to spend on the farm. Diane's sister Nadine was kind enough to let us trample all over her property, admiring all the animals. Everyone got to sit on the horses, and it looks as though we may have a cowgirl in the making. Everett was taken by the cows, and just couldn't get enough of them. Avery was more amused and interested in the cattle-herding dog Guinness, who kept her in stitches by chasing the cows all over the pen.


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