A chronology of the life changing event of having triplets.

Monday, April 21, 2008

1st One on the Potty

For about 2 months now Avery has let me know when she has filled her pants, and then about a month ago she was informing of when everyone else was filling their pants, so I decided I would try her out on the potty. So off to WalMart we went to buy a potty. No one was very interested in it especially Avery. She was more fascinated with the frog on the front than she was sitting on it. But as time went on she started to sit on fully clothed of course. Then she started telling me she wanted to go on the potty but just as soon as she said she would immediately change her mind. Then came one early morning as her & I were lying in bed, 'Mommy, potty, poopy pants' So off I whisked her to the potty area. And I was taking her diaper off in walked Daisy the cat. And well that completely distracted her and that was the end of the potty. Then it happened. She was in the tub with Grace trying to make her laugh by farting in the water and making bubbles. But she was trying SO hard that it turned into a shart (half sh*$/half fart) so anyway I had to take her out of the tub, and decided we try the potty since I already had her pants off. She sat for about 3 seconds and decided she'd had enough, but then she suddenly stopped, smiled, and took a whiz.
I was going to post that picture, but then thought not many would truly appreciate it. You know you're a parent when you feel the need to document your kids first bowel movements on a toilet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you have a picture of it would be my question?

Leaving the child unattended with no pants on (to get the camera) is prolly why we have poop stains on the carpet.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008 2:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're a big girlie, Avery!

Linda A.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008 6:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jack has finally decided that his potty is no longer a toy and has been doing really good. I have the "Elmo's Potty Time" DVD and he LOVES the point he wants to sit on the potty all day and watch the Elmo DVD! Uh, anyways, I bought it at I highly recommend it if any of them like Elmo or Sesame Street. Hope all is well...Cindy

Saturday, April 26, 2008 10:26:00 PM  

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