A chronology of the life changing event of having triplets.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

And finally...the journey home

After the whirlwind week in NB, it was time to pack up and head west. We left Saturday morning with mommy driving, I knew we make 'good time' With everyone fast asleep within minutes of our departure, this was my chance to reflect on the past weeks festivities. It felt almost comforting to return to the places where I had spent most of the childhood summers. I thought it would be strange visiting my mothers family without my mother but it wasn't. It was just like old times.
The second last leg of our journey ended in Drummondville, an hour outside of Montreal. This time we planned ahead and stopped fairly early got two adjoining rooms, and let the kids run wild. Once in the room, they rolled around the beds and screamed like banshees for a good hour before we had dinner then a bath. With the joining rooms everyone had their own baby to sleep with.
We decided to stop and visit Auntie Shannon in Ottawa before heading to the cottage where we would spend the night. As we were dropping off Everetts new girlfriend I think I may have actually heard her say she would travel with 3 babies again. Well Dawna, we do have a camping trip planned in July if you're interested.
We made it home on Monday about 3pm, and daddy called shortly after that informing us he was on his way home. Thank god no one walked, crawled, spoke any words, or got any teeth because Jason would never let us leave the city limits if they did.
Its nice to go away, but it sure is nice to come home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you all had a good time but I'm so happy you're all home safe. I was worried sick from the start to the end of your trip and I definately missed the Website. I will call to talk to them on the weekend.

Nanny Di....xoxoxox

Friday, June 01, 2007 6:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sooo...I need some new windows in the upstairs! When do you think I can book the travelling handymen in??
I am glad you stuck to your guns and made the trip with the kids. Staying at home is much easier but not nearly as fun!!

Love, Cathy
Lonesome in the West!

Friday, June 01, 2007 12:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think she could make it.

(best I can do Cath)

Saturday, June 02, 2007 9:32:00 PM  

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