A chronology of the life changing event of having triplets.

Friday, December 29, 2006


Picture this if you will.......six hungry wailing babies, three dogs barking at each other, eight adults laughing and talking over the noise. If you can imagine, that's what happens when,

THE CHAPLEAU TRIPLETS PAY US A VISIT! If you can believe it, these pictures and video (1,2) are of two sets of triplets.

About 7 months ago, Kristen was introduced to two other mom's in Northern Ontario expecting triplets. The three moms and a pregnant mom of twins all went out for what is now a historical dinner here in Sudbury. At the time all 4 were pregnant with multiples and decided to meet and share stories of thier pregnancies before the chaos began.

Once it did, Leslie (from Espanola) gave birth first to two wonderful girls and a boy. Then Rene with her two, followed by Kristen who came considerably earlier than expected and while were still in the hospital in came Tracy. She also added two girls and a boy to our set and at one point all six of us were in the NICU together!

During the week we spent together in the hospital I like to think a bond was formed. Allies in the 20 year campaign that followed. We shared all of our experiences during the 4 weeks we had before their arrival and together we discussed strategies for the future.

Our six kids which had a due date only 10 days apart are very similar in size and manner. Kristen and Tracy still correspond via phone and internet comparing notes and sharing ideas. Phil and Tracy are wonderful parents and Evan, Amber, and Lauren are extremely lucky kids.

Today was a remarkable day when Phil and Tracy stopped by to share a feeding with us (we both feed on the same schedule). We chatted, laughed, swapped babies (we swapped back before they left) and posed them all for pictures. I hope you all enjoy our six babies as much as we do.

I think we are all convinced now 6 is out of the question. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came home from nanny's today after leaving my "nursery" unattended for 30 hours, only to be faced with 8 babies and 4 new moms!! (sheep that is) Sheep are notorious for sometimes claiming the wrong lamb or misplacing one of their own and tonight I'm still not convinced that the lambs are with the right moms!! Are you guys sure that everyone went to their rightful owners when the evening was done??
Confused in Kingston

Friday, December 29, 2006 5:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big thanks to Jason and Kristen for welcoming our family into their home. We are thrilled to have friends like you to share in our "triplet times". We hope you will return the visit to Chapleau someday, and yes you can make it between feedings without breaking too many laws!

The Martels

Friday, January 05, 2007 6:37:00 PM  

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