The Video Diaries
A chronology of the life changing event of having triplets.
With the World Series in full swing, the statisticians are pouring the numbers out. Baseball is a wonderful numbers sport. 20 -- The number of bucks I am going to loose to Grumpy Bob if Detroit doesn't pull off the comeback.
A common question we get is how many diapers we go through in a day. For my friend Adrian who was always a fan of the 'stats', here is that answer with a few other interesting numbers:
I would like to share a wonderful story about the trio's Grandmother Linda and Aunt Marylyn. Early in Kristen's pregnancy, Linda began her plans for the children. One of the many projects she began was to knit three large blankets meant to be their 'blankie' for years to come. When her health took a turn for the worst, she was unable to continue. With the blankets not finished, she asked her sister Marylyn to continue the knitting campaign. The blankets traveled to New Brunswick where Marylyn made some progress. The blankets still partially completed then traveled back to Sudbury during a moment of remission when Linda felt she had enough strength to continue them with Marylyn. She did not have the strength and was quickly returned to the hospital. Marylyn resumed work on the blankets. Having promised Linda she would finish them, she had to once again take them back to New Brunswick. When they were done, Linda was in the Palliative Care facility at Laurentian Hospital, and in a touching moment, the blankets had returned to Sudbury and presented to Kristen for her future children.
Linda was giving person; this final gift will not be forgotten. Thank you Marylyn.